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ปริมาณตัวอย่าง(กรัม) วิธีทดสอบ

1.     Filth                          Asparagus (canned, frozen)

6 units x 100 gm. AOAC/USFDA

2.     Filth                              Sweet Corn (canned)

6 units x 200 gm. AOAC

3.     Filth                              Baby Corn (canned)

6 units AOAC

4.     Light and Heavy Filth    Green Leafty Vegetables (canned, frozen)

6 units x 100 gm. AOAC

5.     Fly Eggs and Maggots   Tomato (canned)

6 units x 500 gm. AOAC

6.     Light Filth                      Tomato (canned)     

6 units AOAC

7.      Fly Eggs and Maggots    Tomato (comminuted)

6 units x 100 gm. AOAC

8.      Light Filth                      Tomato (comminuted)

6 units x 200 gm. AOAC

9.      Maggots, Mites, etc.       Mushrooms (canned)

6 units x 100 gm. AOAC

10.    Maggots, Mites, etc.       (fresh, frozen, freeze-dried, dehydrated)

6 units x 170 gm. AOAC

11.    Maggots, Mites, etc.       (dried)

6 units x 15 gm. AOAC

12.    Weevils                         Beans and Peas (canned)

6 units AOAC

13.    Filth                              Pickles (canned)

6 units AOAC

14.    Filth                              Pickles (jar)

6 units AOAC

15.    Filth                              Chopped Pickles

6 units x 100 gm. AOAC

16.     Light Filth                     Broccoli (canned)

6 units x 100 gm. AOAC

17.    Aphids and Thrips         Broccoli (canned)

6 units x 100 gm. AOAC

18.    Light Filth                      Dried Galanga

6 units x 225 gm. AOAC

19.    Filth                              Fruit (canned)

6 units AOAC

20.    Filth                              Fruits (dried)

6 units x 500 gm. AOAC

21.    Filth                              Jam and Jelly

6 units x 100 gm. AOAC

22.    Filth                              Fruit Paste

6 units x 100 gm. AOAC

23.    Fly Eggs and Maggots   Citrus and Pineapple juice

6 units x 250 gm. AOAC

24.    Light Filth                    Citrus and Pineapple juice

6 units x 250 gm. AOAC

25.    Light Filth                      Tamarind Juice (canned)

6 units x 250 gm. AOAC

26.    Light Filth                      Rice Flours (powder)

6 units x 100 gm. AOAC

27.    Light Filth                      Rice paper           

6 units x 225 gm. AOAC

28.    Light Filth                      Rice Stick

6 units x 225 gm. AOAC

29.    Light Filth                      Rice Vermicelli

6 units x 225 gm. AOAC

30.    Light Filth (External)       Rice Grain                      

6 units x 500 gm. AOAC

31.    Filth                              Rice Grain

6 units x 1,000 gm. USFDA/ISO

32.    Light Filth                      Instant Noodle

6 units x 225 gm. AOAC

33.    Filth                              Chili Pods

6 units x 50 gm. USFDA

34.    Light Filth                      Chili (ground)

6 units x 25 gm. AOAC

35.    Heavy Filth                    Chili (ground)

6 units x 75 gm. AOAC

36.    Filth                              Pepper (whole)

6 units x 500 gm. AOAC/USFDA

37.    Light Filth                      Pepper  (ground)    

6 units x 50 gm. AOAC

38.    Heavy Filth                    Pepper  (ground)    

6 units x 50 gm. AOAC

39.    Light Filth                      Garlic Powder

6 units x 50 gm. AOAC

40.    Light Filth                      Yellow Bean Sauce

6 units x 225 gm. AOAC/USFDA

41.    Filth                              Soy Souce

6 units AOAC

42.    Light Filth                      Curry Paste        

6 units x 100 gm. AOAC/USFDA

43.    Light Filth               Chili Paste with Soy souce      

6 units x 225 gm. AOAC/USFDA

44.    Light Filth                      Chili Souce

6 units x 225 gm. AOAC/USFDA

45.    Light Filth                      Chili Paste

6 units x 225 gm. AOAC/USFDA

46.    Light Filth                      Wheat Flour

6 units x 50 gm. AOAC

47.    Light Filth                      Corn Flour

6 units x 50 gm. AOAC

48.    Light Filth                      Soy Flour

6 units x 50 gm. AOAC

49.    Light Filth                      Starch

6 units x 225 gm. AOAC

50.    Filth                              Sugar

6 units x 100 gm. AOAC

51.    Filth                       Syrups, Molasses and Honey

6 units x 200 gm. AOAC

52.    Light Filth                      Sesame Seeds

6 units x 225 gm. AOAC


  • Requesting a Quotation and Ordering Products

    131 Thailand Science Park. Innovation Cluster 1 Building,

    Klong 1, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120 Thailand. 

    Tel.  02-191-3928 Fax 02-191-3929

    For more information please contact 081-847-6768 (Ms. Nareerat) IDLine: @alltestkit

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